Thursday, August 28, 2014

Compositing Fundamentals: 'Dogzilla' Final Composite

Sticking to the theme of old projects, here is my final project for Compositing Fundamentals. We had free range to do whatever we wanted, as long as it involved compositing in some way.

Being that my girlfriend and I had just seen 'Godzilla', we decided to use footage from the movie and composite in our dog Thor.

The result was 'Dogzilla', which features just the right amount of fun and pure terror all in a one minute video!

I hope you enjoy it!

Below are some of the shots we used to put our dog into the project. My girlfriend (Kaycee Kendrick), and myself set our dog up in front of a green screen and took some shots of him being himself.

I then took them into Nuke where I tracked the shots, keyed out the green screen, and rotoed him into the shots. Kaycee then color corrected them and added extra effects to make the shots look as realistic as possible!

We had a lot of fun with this and hope you'll enjoy it!

- Drew and Kaycee

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